How to Market Your Real Estate Listings

Are you struggling with how to market listings in 2022? How to explain to your seller what you’re going to do for them when you market a property? The days of putting a property on the market and collecting 15 to 40 offers are over. We’ll go over all the things that we used to do when the market wasn’t so hot, plus the new techniques and technology that we now use to help our sellers sell their property and market it to the widest possible audience. Here’s how to market your real estate listings in 2022.

Marketing Listings in 2022

Back in the day, we had a term called Chasing the Market, which means if your seller is starting at a higher price. They want to get more for the property, especially in a market that is starting to decline, if they keep on chasing the market, keep trying to price lower that is right above or right lower than the other active listings coming to the market, that’s going to be an endless cycle unless they have a spectacular home.

We will cover email marketing, Instagram Reels, TikTok, Geo farming, Google and Facebook retargeting, and Zillow 3D tours.

Using Email to Boost Awareness

It’s not the time to take your foot off the gas for marketing, it’s time to double down on your marketing. I’ve been to two different conferences lately and know that from 20 years of experience not a lot of people also take their spin out of their marketing when the market starts to decline. Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t have to do this organically, you can do this for free.

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One thing that we haven’t seen a lot until very recently is email blasts to agents and email blasts to consumers. Another term is to tap into your brokerage’s database. What we did was pull company leads for an area and you can do a blast to those company leads. If you’re in another brokerage, this should be easy to do.

You can also look at the last activity. You can search for people that have been on the site in the last 90 to 180 days and that’s kind of your low-hanging fruit there. Every person that goes to any of the websites that we use, Austin Home Sale Guide, Spyglass Realty and Move to Austin is tracked and put into our CRM. We know when they come back, how long it’s been since they came back, and we can market to them. You can basically do a GIF email where you do a slideshow of the property and that’s what you send out.

Using Instagram Reels to Market Homes

One of our agents, Lauren Hoy, has 418 followers and used the method that we were taught. She had over 10,000 to 11,000 views on her reel. We’ve had people that have reached out based on these results. This proves that you don’t have to have 10,000 followers to get engagement on a social media reel. This has been really successful and it’s a real hit and miss.

marketing real estate listings on instagram and tiktok

When Lauren did it, she did it with three other people and hers hit, and the others did not as well. You got to have the right hashtags, music, and cover photo.

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Retargeting Homes in Google and Facebook

One thing that we do if you have a listing with us, we automatically retarget those listings to anyone that went to the website in the last six months and also just about every real estate agent in Austin, TX that has done a deal. We siphoned out anyone that had a four or older license number that did under a million.

When it comes to Geo farming and fair housing laws, you’re used to being able to put a pin on a map and scroll out for one to three miles or however you want so you can geotarget that area. Google and Facebook have determined that they do not want to get in trouble with fair housing laws. There’s now a way around this. We use Remine to do this.

remine neighborhood search

We have a proprietary program that allows us to pull these addresses. The way you do this is to have the name of the consumer or homeowners, address, email, and phone number that we can pull in. We can tell you what kind of car they drive and what they owe on it. The reason you get that information is not so you can email and call them, but it’s for you to upload that into a Facebook and Google audience. You can retarget those people and show them what’s coming on the market.

Using Zillow 3D Tours

Pre-pandemic, Zillow traffic hovered around 160M to 185M unique visitors a month and had grown to over 200M unique visitors a month. 

Floor plans and 3D tours are going to be really important.

56% of homebuyers are confident making an offer on a home they saw virtually, sight unseen. 

61% of homebuyers said they wish more listings included 3D tours.

That statistic is up 15% from 2019. 

We’re Zillow Flex partners and this was just announced for flex partners there may release this to other people at some point, but if you put a 3D tour on your property then your listing will be specific. 

marketing homes with zillow 3d home tours

You’ll need to use cameras, you’ll need to use photographers, but it will boost your listing to the top of the search results for seven days. It gets a premium placement on Zillow and Trulia for free with no expiration date.

On average, listings with 3D Home Tours got 36% more sales than listings without 68% more views. Listings also sold on average, 14% faster.

Now, they have a button that you can click that must have a 3D home. It’s a huge opportunity to boost your listing to the top of the Google search results. It does it for seven days. This is a huge value add because you can tell them not only is it boosted, but it’s going to be in front of people. They’re going to get a full experience before even coming to your home.

For Zillow Home Buyers, if you have a listing that’s active right now but it’s not moving and you get a 3D tour on it, anyone that has saved that property will get a notification that the listing now has a 3D tour. This is not just to list your portfolio to boost your property and get it sold, this is also a tool to use at your listing appointment.

Just Listed and Sold Mailing Cards

Just listed and just sold mailer campaigns are kind of an older side and are done through our mailing service. It’s about $170 for 100 postcards per stage. If you do a Just Listed, it goes out to 100 of the closest homes to that listing and each mailing card will have a QR code so that when the consumer scans the card, you will actually get a notification.

just listed and just sold mailer campaigns

The QR code will pull up a landing page that will show a listing and their house. It’ll also show the comparison of the house and give an estimated price of what the house is worth.

If you get a notification that someone has scanned that house and you can be able to tell what the value shot out, one thing you might want to do is drop off a CMA that says “Hey, I know you got the automated value on that home. This is more in range of what your home is actually worth. I can go deeper into this. If you give me a call and let me in your house.”

Spyglass Listing Command

This is a listing command that we have just launched. What this does is for a single stage which is like Just Listed. The double stage is Just Listed / Just Sold, then the full listing command are In Escrow / Just Sold.

What this does – let’s say you did a single status with an Open House, it sends out 100 postcards and it will send messages, which you can turn off, I’m still on the fence about whether to do that, then also, it will mark those homes on Facebook like Just Listed.

It’s very powerful for the Open House. The Open House goes out to 500 of the closest homes because you can’t really target 100 people, it’s too low of one so this is a really powerful tool.

Those people that can be in your database that you can send a video once a month, once every two months, market reports in your neighborhoods, you can continue to send postcards to them. It’s gotten a lot better now. This is a really powerful tool to market your home’s listings and especially for a farming tool.

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